Significant figures are digits in a measurement that are known with certainty plus one digit of uncertainty.
Number of sig. fig= all certain + one uncertain digit
Determining Rule:
- In any measurement, all nonzero digits are significant.
- Zeros in between two nonzero(captive) digits are significant
- Leading zeros (zeros to the left of the first nonzero digit) are never significant.
- Trailing zeros (zeros to the right of last nonzero digit) only significant if there is a decimal point.
Example: 3.2072 has 5 sig. fig.
0.0000007 has only 1 sig. fig.
630 has 2 sig fig but 630.0000 has 7 sig fig. All the zeros are significant in the second case.
- For each of the following measurements, give the number of significant figures present and the uncertainty associated with the measurement.
- 23
- 1051
- 230
- 647,000,000
Ans:a. 5, b. 7 c.6, d.12