CHAPTER 15: Unit 6. Haworth Structures of Monosaccharides

Haworth Structures of Monosaccharides

Haworth structures of Monosaccharides are cyclic rings that represent the most stable states of the monosaccharides.

A Fischer structure (least stable) open chain of the carbohydrates can be converted into Haworth structure (most stable) cyclic structure. Haworth structure involves the rotation of the Fischer structure so that the beginning of the molecule which is the carbonyl group oxygen is connected to the carbon atom which is located before the last carbon atom and by this closing the ring and a cyclic structure is formed.

The example below illustrates such conversion.

D- Glucose (Fischer Projection)   α -D- Glucose (Haworth Projection)

The videos below illustrate the concept of the Haworth structure of the carbohydrates and the conversion of Fischer Projection to Haworth Structure for Carbohydrates: